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Here be the musings and quotes of a brave band of intrepid adventurers.... Oh, did I say ‘brave’ and ‘intrepid’? Sorry, meant to read, ‘strange and deranged’! Yes, these are quotes which have been said during our epic games of AD&D, RuneQuest, Palladium and Star Wars.
Hope you enjoy these utterings from our gaming table!

The ghost of my leg loots the Ogre - Magz

Come out! We’ve got porridge! - Phil

It’s amazing what people can’t do with a whole bunch of sacks - Neil

Sandy has detachable mooning flaps! - Magz

OK, I’ll do some ranged medicine - Neil

You can’t do surgery with a pike! - Tony

It was all going so well...
Right up until it all went wrong! - Magz

Barman - is this your Moose? - Tony

Let’s do a jailbreak and take the guards with us! - Sandy

I can go quite fast and I don’t have wheels - Neil

(Concerning some ripped trousers)
I have a needle and some rope - Magz

You see some half chewed nothings... - Neil

Why don’t we disguise the donkey as a goat? - Anon

(A bear is approaching, roughly 40ft away...)
We could dig a bear trap! - Magz

We could disguise the goat as a donkey - Anon

I run up to the bear and play dead - Magz

(Later, as she lies bleeding on the ground,)
Remind me never to charge a bear again. - Magz

Make listening noises - Neil

He’s obviously evil - he’s got a book! - Alan

Neil - ‘There are two humans and a mule’
Magz- ‘...So, what are the non-humans? ‘
Neil - ‘A mule...’

Cast ‘pass without trace’, then leave footprints so you can find your way back - Alan

(Concerning an underwater city made of reeds...)
We’ll set fire to it to destroy the entire thing! - Raymond

Put your sundial forward an hour so you can pretend it’s dawn an hour earlier - Magz

Ah but she is one of the defence attorneys, so of course she’s lying! - (second PC defence attorney)

(The Dwarven Warrior is asked to knock on a wall in an attempt to find secret passages...)
But I might hurt my knuckles - Adam D.