The second game of the night was that true classic - Fluxx.

This particular game consisted of Sandy mainly playing the game by himself which of course led to the somewhat predictable comment uttered by Puntin’ Peter - “You shouldn’t let Sandy play with himself” - yes, it was rapidly turning into one of ‘those’ nights!
The evening drew to a close with a quick game of Maia where much confusion reigned - even more so than usual, ending with our very own Neilee Poo winning the much coveted title of ‘Maia Winner of the Evening’.

Two days later, on Saturday March 29th, we took WiggyCon on the road - to Stonehaven, a lovely little town on the North East of Scotland - home to our Puntin’ Peter. Well, he actually hails from Tewel, which is about 4 cottages just outside Stonehaven. Although the main event was obviously WiggyCon, we were also celebrating Peter and Erinn’s marriage! Just a side event you understand!!! (hehehe) Big congratulations to two of the nicest people you could hope to know!

It didn’t take long before the games were out on the table. Once again, Fluxx was played. This time we were joined by our good friends, John and Emma, who had traveled up from London, and Paul, who had arrived that morning from Edinburgh. Can’t actually remember who won that particular game though....

The final game of WiggyCon ‘03 was a rather excellent game of ‘Pass the Pigs’ or ‘Pass the Wigs’ as we Wiggyites prefer to call it!
I think I won this, but my memory of the details is a little fuzzy for some strange and inexplicable reason...!

And so, another WiggyCon came to a successful end!
Who knows when or where the next one will be, but I can guarantee that much pizza will be eaten, games will be played and a rather dodgy report will be put up!
Thanks to everyone who came along - and to Peter and Erinn for inviting us to their wonderful wedding reception where we all just stayed in a corner and played games all night! Congratulations guys!