by Magz Wiseman
OOOHHHH!!!!! Our bearded chum, of the Sandy variety, took back a very special GenconUK '02 pressie!
For anyone who hasn't encountered Munchkin yet, 'tis a rather excellent card game from Steve Jackson Games.
The artwork is by John Kovalic, who if you don't know, draws Dork Tower (comic & Web Comic - if you haven't read any yet, I
suggest you pop on over to his site - (especially if you are, have ever been, likely to be, or know any Gamers!)
Anyway, as you can see from the piccy below, the very chap himself, drew up a special, Wiggy Munchkin Card!
So, basically, I'd just like to thank Sandy for the really kind thought, and Mr Kovalic for drawing it!
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