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DrakCon 2004

Sensible Bit

Aberdeen’s annual games con took place this year on July 17th & 18th at Hilton Campus. Although this venue has been home to the con for the past 18 years, this will probably be the last time it will be held here.
The organiser, Sandy Douglas, only just managed to secure the venue two weeks before the event, due to last minute negotiations with HMT who are using the site as a temporary place until their own renovations are complete.
Until that time, it was unclear as to whether Drakcon would be able to go ahead this year, due to problems finding a suitable location.
Because of the short notice however, numbers were down this year. Despite this, a good number of gamers still managed to turn up.
The amount of events were understandably limited this year, but there were a number of Living events (including several adventures for Living Greyhawk & Living Force), Raffle, Charity Auction and guest Artist.

Magz’s Bit

Yayy! Another DrakCon – my 13th (GULP!) It seems sad to think that this will likely be the last one at Hilton College. Never mind. Even though there weren’t quite so many people there this year (it was too short notice for most of the out-of-towners who normally make the trip from all over the UK) there was still a great atmosphere and at least Anne (Sandy’s long suffering wife, didn’t have to make quite so many sandwiches! She makes the most tasty egg sarnies by the way!) .

Neil & I took the babas for a little while – this was Amy’s 2nd DrakCon and Lucy’s 1st (being only 7 weeks old, she hasn’t had many game convention opportunities so far!) We didn’t really play in any of the organised events, but managed to get in a few games of our own, including Zombies! Fluxx and tried out a couple of new games too…. Yes, I may have bought some stuff…. Yes, I know that

we should be downsizing stuff and definitely not buying more games….but they are only teeny tiny ones which hardly take up any space at all! I didn’t buy many…. Just ‘Lord of the Fries’, ‘Give me the Brain’, ‘Igor’ and some strange little game about ants who steal leaves… can’t remember what it’s called…. Munched lots of sandwiches, got through a scary amount of Irn Bru & Diet Coke and chocolate.

Thankfully the Pizza delivery still happened too – Snappy Tomato Beast Pizza – YUMMMMMY!!!!
There was also a Bring-and-Buy thingy. I didn’t buy anything….well, maybe a book. Or two. OK I only bought 3 books, which isn’t bad. They were only 25p each! Neil may also have bought some stuff too. Aside from that though we didn’t buy anything at all. There was a raffle and charity auction too, but unfortunately we had to leave before they started to relieve the baby sitters.